Yesterday was my 25th birthday. I turned a quarter-century old. I've officially reached an age where it was hard to handle hearing the number of years I've been on this earth. It's not an old age, but it still doesn't seem like long enough to accomplish as much as I want to accomplish in my life!
At any rate, my students were eager to celebrate my birthday. They secretly made me birthday cards (which I LOVE!!! And my day was complete after I received them), they all wished me a happy birthday (one congratulated me... multiple times. Still not sure what the congrats were for - I guess just making it this far!), and one of my students even realized that I was still younger than some of the students in the class! That was exactly why I didn't want anyone to know my age - so that they saw me as a teacher instead of as their same-age peer. Regardless, they were happy to celebrate my day with me. We went to Laughfest and enjoyed our morning (although I think I was the only person out of the 5 students and 1 other staff in my classroom that went to Laughfest, that was actually amused), then dance and choir in the afternoon and back to the classroom to finish the day. My staff made me a birthday cake (and birthday dinner - I'm spoiled!), lit a candle, and one of my students MADE ME leave the classroom, turn off the lights, and then walk back in so they could put their hands in the air and yell, "SURPRISE!" So I blew out the blue candle (requested by this student) and made a wish. Unfortunately my wish didn't come true, because the day had to come to an end...
But before going home, we had 4 hours of conferences (including 3 IEPs) - back-to-back. One of my student's parents brought me birthday cake. How wonderful and thoughtful! I am so blessed to have such loving and caring people in my life. When conferences were over, we ate meatball sandwiches and salad, that my staff made and brought in for my special birthday dinner. They are so awesome!
When I got home, Nick had bought birthday cheesecake and we also had birthday Thai food (Drunken Noodles Medium Spicy.... YUMMM!!!). What a wonderful day! I didn't want the day to end so I just couldn't go to bed that night! Thank you to everyone who made my day extra special. I am so blessed.
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